Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Pita's quotes

"Sekarang kamu mikirnya ini lagi belajar aja Zah, terus besok waktu kamu mbuktiin itu waktunya kamu ulangan. Ya kan kalo misalnya keluar soalnya kamu dah bisa garap terus kalo misalnya juga egak ya gapapa, kamu ya dapet ilmu. Tunggu aja, kamu keluarin semua ilmumu pada waktunya."

Monday, April 22, 2013

Hasanbasri's Quotes

 Zahra is taking a break from her relationship from Fatur. Fatur thinks that she is being selfish. Well, what I think is that everything should lighten up. Be nice~ I think that a break could be nice to have a break and think this through. Be rational and don't do things that you would regret.
It is common. It;s okay to be sad. What's important is that you don't let that sadness win. Calm yourself and think over what you really want^^ don't regret in the decision you make~
Everyone can. Zahra you're strong. Being strong is not feeling sad or not feeling weak, but it's getting back up after all the sadness. That's what it means to be strong! 
Thanks Arifah :'