Saturday, February 25, 2012

Hey! Say! JUMP - Super Delicate

Halo lagi, ini aku mau post lirik sama translate nya yang Super Delicate, ini lagu sama dancenya asik banget yah sesuatu. Artinya juga lumayan.. jleb.
Check it out and happy singing (and dancing) :33

Oh ya ini ak copas liriknya dari sini, dan translatenya dari sini.

Bigbang - BLUE

Kemarin aku udah kasih review dikit tentang Super Delicate sama Blue. Nah kalo video nya ak masih lebih milih Super Delicate, aku lagunya jelas milih Blue. Bukan berarti lagunya Super Delicate jelek lo.
Blue nge-jleb nih, galau.

Yang aku copas dari sini. Enjoy and happy singing!(・∀・)

Friday, February 24, 2012

Watch Out! Fangirl on Her Way!

Masih ingat apa yang aku tulis di post sebelumnya? Yap. Fangirl.
Aku mau cerita kalo Bigbang sama Hey! Say! Jump ngeluarin single baru bareng.
What a nice surprise....
Aku terpaksa mengingkari janji, well, sebenernya nggak bisa dibilang gitu juga. Soalnya aku tetep konsisten lo ya.
Aku gak update soal mereka kok, bahkan aku nyaris gak tau.
Tapi tadi aku download mp3, sama liat videonya. Wow.
Aku bilang ini alay banget seriusan, tapi saking kangennya aku sama mereka waktu nonton aku sempet netes, Seriusan.

Random Memories

Hari ini saya *glwmaks nih(⌣́_⌣̀)
Bentar lagi UN ya, sudah tinggal 50 hari-an lagi. Cepet banget ya, nggak kerasa.
Tiba-tiba banyak kenangan yang datang dan berkelebat ria di fikiran saya.
Things. Memories...

Dan yang paling terasa itu waktu kelas 8. Kelas 8 itu, wah bener-bener bahagia dunia akhirat.
Banyak banget kegiatan yang cuma seneng-seneng. Main, gaul(?) bareng temen-temen. Dan rutinitas yang sebenernya enggak begitu penting. Tapi, ya, itu... menyenangkan.

Nonton film setiap mau nunggu les. Fangirl-ing, Jepang&Korea2an. Belajar bahasa asing.
Hmm, belakang aku kok menye banget ya, selepas dari kegalauanku yang lain-_-
Kemarin Ayik sms 'Zah, ak kangen rutinitas wkt kls 8 tiap hr slasa'
Awalnya aku lupa apa, oh ya, terus aku inget, setiap hari Selasa itu aku les bahasa Jepang sama Nisa, nah Ayik tu juga les, tapi les apa gitu..
Buat wasting time, kita pasti nonton film, film apa aja. Ayik itu hobi banget download film. Aku suka request sama Ayik, minta downloadin dorama ini, film ini, dorama itu, anime ini, itu.
Kayaknya tu asik banget dulu kelas 8 nggak pernah mikirin UN, tiap hari kerjaannya seneng-seneng dan tiap Selasa nonton film.
Terus, dulu aku juga suka inget dulu aku gencar banget belajar bahasa asing sama Ayik, Hanum, Nisa, Ucik. Bahasa Belanda, Jepang, Korea, Jerman, Spanyol.
Itu asik banget. Yah walau masih sangat amatir.

Nah yang paling aku kangen dan bikin ksbb, itu fangirl-ing.
Mungkin yang ini butuh sedikit landasan teori ya. Fangirl itu sebutan buat cewek, yang bener-bener tergila-gila sama seorang artis. Like me. I'm proud to be fangirl! Terserah mau dibilang fangirl itu lebay, alay atau gimana, suka-suka gueeeh-_- *oke ini kok aku malah alay ya-_-
Oke, kembali lagi. Jadi yang disebut fangirl-ing adalah...  Fangirl itu bakal fandom-ing, fandom-ing itu ya aktif di fanbase, sharing sesama fangirl, ikut gathering. Nonton video artis sesering mungkin. Dan yang paling penting, update soal artis itu setiap waktu. Yap, mungkin itu memang kayak kerjaan gak penting, gak bermanfaat, dan lain sebagainya, Tapi ya itu kegiatan fangirl.

Terlepas dari teori yang udah aku jabarkan, fangirl-ing itu bener-bener nilai anjlok sebenarnya. Jadi, aku udah gak fangirl-ing sekarang *udah mau UN kaka!! Bener-bener ninggalin dunia fandom. Not bad at all actually. Aku udah lock semua folder tentang artis itu, enggak update sama sekali. Kadang kalo inget aku suka kangen banget. Berat sih awalnya *lebay tapi ya kalo aku egak fangirl-ing tetep hidup kok. Kayak kata Ibuku, 'masa iya kamu mau mempertaruhkan masa depan kamu cuma buat artis Korea?' Whoa, jleb.

Jadi ya itu, aku ninggalin dunia fandom. Tapi abis UN balik lagi. Sekarang UN dulu! Semangaaat!!
Oke deh, bye. Sebenernya ini ngomongin apa sih?._. hwehehe.


'Never mind, I'll find someone like you.'
Semua orang pasti tau quote itu asalnya dari mana. Yap, A to the DELE. Someone Like You.
Tiba-tiba aku inget kalo kata orang tua, 'ucapan itu doa lho.'
Aku juga inget apa yang Askhia sama Peyek (baca: Fia) bilang, waktu aku nyanyi-nyanyi Someone Like You *maklum galawers-_-
''Egak Zah! Never mind, I'll find someone BETTER than you.' 
Bener, seharusnya lirik lagu itu diganti. Karena apa yang kita bilang itu mungkin doa.
Apa gunanya kan kalo kita misal nih ya udah disakitin atau apalah sama orang itu. Seharusnya kita nggak mau lagi lah sama orang yang kayak gitu lagi. Ya kan?
Oh ya aku belakangan lagi sangat addict dengan lirik The Script - Dead Man Walking.
Tau dari aku googling lirik-lirik The Script. Oh ya waktu liat tumblrnya Dheak. Terus waktu ak tadi liat twitter, Nura ngetweet, 'Already broken, already gone, already know you're moving on.' yang di RT sama Peyek, Shinta.
Jadi, berbanyaklah ngomong yang bagus.


Konnichiwa minna~!!\(^▽^*)(*^▽^)/
Ada yang suka pake emoticons? Kayak autotext di BB atau semacamnya~
Nah kalo dibanding autotext, aku lebih suka J-emoticons, a.k.a Japanese Emoticons ヾ(@^∇^@)ノ
Jadi, awal aku tau J-emoticons, itu dari post yang suka dibikin sama Rina Suzuki, Haruna Ono, Tomomi Ogawa dan Mami Sasazaki, personil band Jepang; Scandal (baca: kakakkuo(≧∇≦o)) Ini ya kalo blognya, click here! 
Mereka nulis ganti-gantian gitu. Jadi dia suka nulis yang lucu-lucu tentang kegiatan Scandal, nah dia pasti pake J-emoticons:3
Terus, aku juga suka liat J-emoticons, di anime, mangaヽ(・∀・)ノ
Nah, aku juga waktu pinjem iPod nya Dyah, nemu apps 'Emoticons' gitu. Waktu aku buka nah isinya J-emoticons. Dan Scandal itu juga pake iPhone dan iPod~
Aku suka banget hihihi pake J-emoticons. Bodo amat dibilang alay, suka-suka guehΣ( ̄。 ̄ノ)ノ 

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Breakeven - Maddi Jane

Ini aku ngepost yah lagunya The Script, aku awalnya tau pas lagi y!m sama Dheak. Bagus deh lagunya┗(`ー´)┓ galaw dan gak bisa move on(シ_ _)シ
Terus, kemarin eh dikelas Nadya nyanyi-nyanyi ituヽ(∀゜ )人( ゜∀)ノ
Terus dia kasih tau yang dicover Maddi Jane. Yah karena yang nyanyi cewek jadi lebih kena deh(ノ ̄д ̄)ノ 
Enjooooy lah, happy singing! 〜( ̄▽ ̄〜)(〜 ̄▽ ̄)〜

I´m still alive but I´m barely breathing
Just prayed to God that i don´t do  believe in
Cause I got time while he got freedom
Cause when a heart breaks, no it don´t break even

His best days will be some of my worst

He finally met a girl who´s gonna put him first
While i´m wide awake he´s no trouble sleeping
cause when a heart breaks,no it don´t break even

What am I gonna do 
when the best part of me was always you and
What am I suppose to say 
when I´m all choked upand you´re okay

I´m falling to pieces

I´m falling to pieces

they say bad things

happen for a reason
but no wise words
gonna stop the bleeding

cause he´s moved on
while I´m still grieving

cause when a heart
breaks, no it don´t break even

what am I gonna do

when the best part of me
was always you and
what am I suppose to say
when i´m all choked up
and you´re okay

I´m falling to pieces

I´m falling to pieces

I´m falling to pieces

I´m falling to pieces

You got his heart and my
heart and none of the pain

you took your suitcase
and took the blame

Now i´m tryin to make sense

of what little remains, oh
cause you left me with no
love and no love to my name

I´m still alive but I´m

barely breathing
just prayed to God
that i don´t believen in

Cause I got time while he

got freedom
Cause when a heart
breaks, no it don´t break even

No it don´t break even in

What am I gonna do

when the best part of me
was always you

What am I supposed to say

when I´m all choked up
and you´r okay

I´m falling to pieces

I´m falling to pieces
yeah yeah yeah

I´m falling to pieces,oh

I´m falling to pieces
I´m falling to pieces

Monday, February 13, 2012

Afika~~ Iyaaaaaa┐('⌣'┐) (┌'⌣')┌

Halo! Salam unyu semua!! (ˊ˘з(˘⌣˘)ε˘`)

Ada yang baru nih! 
Dah siap??
Pake ini dulu yaaaaaa. Nanti dingin loooh!
Ini dia Oreo baru rasa jeruk!
Hah jeruuuuuk?
Diputar... Dijilat.. Dicelupin!

Pernah nonton TV? Pernah. Pernah nonton iklan? Pernah. Berarti pernah nonton iklan Oreo???? Pernah!
Tau Afika?? Tauuuu!!
Nah, nah, nah! Aku tergila-gila sama Afika nih sekarang, yaampun lucu banget yah(づ˘з˘)づ

Afiqah di Oreo
Liat deh imut-imut bangeeeet:3
Ini waktu Afiqah di Bebelac:3
Terimakasih cemuanya.... Buat pelatihku dan finalis lainnya!
Terimakasih Mama, you are my everything, I love youuuu, Mom♡
Namanya itu Amanina Afiqah Ibrahim, umurnya baru 5 tahun, pemenang BebeStar 2010 \(´▽`)/ (´▽`ʃƪ)
Lucu banget yaaah:33 Kayak aku(┎','┒) Udah deh gak usah muji-muji jadi maloeee(ʃ⌣ƪ) *mahngopo *krik krik ¬_¬
Oh iya, ini ya yang mau liat iklannya Afika, click ini, dan ini.
Okeeee, udah yaaa sekian dulu tentang Afika, yang imut itu, semoga makin imut!!  \(゜∇゜)/

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Lonely February

Tanggal berapa sekarang? Yap, H-2 Valentine yah. Sesuatu banget....
Buat yang punya pacar, asik yaaah pasti lagi pada nyiapin kado buat masing-masing *soktau
Tapi buat para jomblo yang *glwmaks di malam minggu, eh salah, Sabtu Malam maksudnya. Ini lagi apa yaaaa, gresek bungkus cokelat di tempat sampah. Atau berharap hujan cokelat dari langit, atau apa ya, nemu cokelat yang bungkusnya warna pink di laci dari secret admirer, oke terlalu klasik. Maklum, galawers. Eh egak kok, Zahra bisa, Zahra kuat, Zahra sabar, Zahra tegar(˘̩̩̩^ƪ)
Kembali ke Valentine, kayaknya tahun ini saya tidak akan memberikan cokelat kepada seorang kaum adam. Tapi berharap dikasih sih iyaaaaa(˘ʃƪ˘) Sapa tau ada yang sebar-sebar cokelat gratis. Tapi sepertinya tidak.
Aduh Februari itu juga, ada 2 TPM kawan-kawan, yang TPM I sudah, hasilnya? Alhamdullillah, paling egak sudah naik dari PT. Terus tanggal 20 bakal ada TPM II, nah ini, harus berjuang lebih keras lagi!! Semangat!! \(´▽`)/ Pasti bisa!! Tapi, kalo ngomongin sekolah kok kayaknya tugasnya buaaanyaaak banget yah, sesuatu. Jadi banyak begadang(⌣́_⌣̀) Ngantuk banget kaka, dan belajar buat 4 mapel UNAS itu agak sedikit terbengkalai. Dan unfortunately, kalo saya lagi begadang di kamar saya sukanya ndengerin lagu di player lepi, nah, sukanya shuffle, dan kok... Lagu-lagu galaw semua-_-
Terus apalagi yang bikin Lonely February... Kebanyakan dengerin 2NE1 - Lonely? Bukan, Kebanyakan nonton Lonely Toons? Bukan, eh itu LOONEY!! LOONEY! Bukan Lonely¬_¬ *mbadut *krik Nah, itu karena... ada someone-who-have-a-day-once-a-year pada bulan ini. Siapa? Rahasiaaa dumps. Dan saya tidak memberikan kado. Karena, yah complicated deh(¯―¯٥)
Teruuus, ada lagi yang bikin tiap hari jadi *glwmaks Kelas saya, IX-1 itu kan kelas pemusik yaaa~(˘.˘~)(~˘.˘)~ Sejak TPM jadi pada ninggal gitar dikelas, jadi gitaran setiap hari. Apalagi sejak Putra jadi terobsesi buat latihan gitar(?) Tiap hari main gitar teruuuus. Dan bisanya cuma baru yang Avril L - Wish You Were Here, jadi yah tiap hari kita nyanyi 'Damn!! Damn!! Damn..... What I do to have you here, here, here~' gitu, terus Iqbal, nah kalo dia ini, *bocin bocah cinta sejati, nyanyinya sukanya The Script - The Man Who Can't Be Moved, jadi yaaaa teriak-teriak 'I'M NOT MOOOOOOOOVIIIING' itu benar yah, secara pada gak bisa move on semua(-̩̩̩-̩̩̩_-̩̩̩-̩̩̩)  Sama Katy Perry - The One That Got Away. Yaaah itu juga nggerus. Oke, satu sekolah juga tau kayaknya kelas saya itu kelas galawers berkumpulan:3 Jadi yaaa begitu deh lagu galaw semua, ah sama lagunya Loving You, Price Tag (eh ini nggak galaw), Kiss Me (ini juga egak), It Will Rain, Thinking Of You, If You Ever Come Back, When You're Gone, Drive Melepasmu juga. Aduh udah deh panjang kalo diterusin galaw semua. Nah jadi kalo dulu aku awal tahun bilang, 'weits! Galau?? Hellooooooo, please ya, this is two-thousand-and-twelve, galaw? Gak level!!' itu amat sangat K-E-C-U sekali yah(`_´)-o)º_˚) Tapi sekarang udah nggak begitu galaw kok┐(ˇεˇ)┌ ┐(ˇεˇ)┌ ┐(ˇεˇ)┌

Sudah ya, segini dulu omongan ngalor ngidul saya akan Februari. Eh ini padahal masih awal bulan._.
Oh iyaaaa Good Luck buat semua temen-temen yang berjuang menghadapi TPM II dan segala ujian lainnya, semoga kita dapet hasil yang memuaskan, Amin Ya Rabbal Alamin(˘ʃƪ˘) Wish me luck!!

Eh ngomong-ngomong Afika Oreo lucu banget yah, kayak aku┐('⌣'┐) (┌'⌣')┌

Friday, February 10, 2012

Apa Ya

Tentang Seseorang :

1. Siapa yang ada di background handphone kamu?

2. Siapa orang terakhir yang kamu sms?
3. Siapa orang terakhir yang kamu bbm?
Gak punya BB e. Mau beliin?
4. Siapa orang terakhir yang kamu telpon?
5. Siapa orang yang sekarang ada di sebelah kamuuu hiii...
Orang gak ada orang
6. Siapa temen kamu yang baru aja ulang tahun?
7. Siapa sih temen yang setiap hari kamu ajak ngobrol?
Banyak e, semua orang tak ajak ngobrol
8. Kenapa dia?
Emang maunya sapa lagi?
9. Kalo kamu punya duit 100rb, kamu mau traktir siapa dan apa?
Aku mau tambahin 20rb buat beli DVD Bigbang
10. Siapa temen kamu yang pernah bikin kamu nangis?
08, 01

Tentang Kamu :

11. Kebiasaan kamu yang patut ditiru orang lain apa sih?
Nggak pernah lupa makan
12. Kalo kamu mau ngupil bilang-bilang dulu ngga?
13. Biasanya kamu buang upil kemana?
Ke hatimuuuuu


Halo. Jam 12:12 AM, sekarang.. Sabtu, 12 Februari 2012.
Masih bangun? Tentu saja, sedang mengedit naskah drama bahasa Indonesia kelas yang dikumpulkan.. err, hari ini juga.

Kamarku sepi. Jadi aku muter lagu aja. Pake Banshee Media Player - LinuxMint #promosi
Shuffle mode: on
Dan sepertinya malam, atau pagi, ini akan jadi malam galau saya lagi.
Mari kira lihat lagu galau apa saja yang saya dapatkan.
PS: Ini hanya sebagian kecil dari lagu galau yang terputar.

Lagu-lagu dari The Script
1. The Man Who Can't Be Moved
How can I move on, when I've been in love with you..
2. Breakeven
What I'm supposed to do when the best part of me was always you..
3. Exit Wounds
I don't know how much more love this heart can lose..
4. Nothing
They say a few drinks will help me to forget her  him.
5. If You Ever Come Back
And it will be just like you were never gone..
6. You Won't Fell A Thing
Promise you won't ever feel a thing. And if I fall here.

6. YUI - You ~Hello~ Paradise Kiss OST.
Zutto matteita no Ienakatta kedo. Tarinai hibi wo sotto uzumeru you ni waratteta.
I was always waiting for you, even though I couldn’t say it.
7. YUI - Namidairo 
Daijoubu sou itte mita kedo. Sonna hazu nai desho.
I tried telling you that I was fine. But can't you tell that there is no way I could be.

8. Taylor Swift - You Belong With Me
Can't you see, I'm the one who understand you..

9. My Chemical Romance - I Don't Love You 
I don't love you, like I did yesterday..

10. Christina Perri - A Thousand Years
How can I love when I'm afraid to fall?

11. Avril Lavigne - Wish You Were Here
What I do to have you here, here, near?

Cukup, 11 aja lagu galau aja yang saya tampilkan malam, atau pagi, ini.
Sebentar, biarkan saya alay dulu ya. Saya *glwmaks ini, apalagi pas liat fotonya dia *uhuk
Frontal sekali? Gak papa lah sekali-kali alay.
Seharusnya saya sudah tidak jadi galauers lagi. Tapi apa mau dikata.
Cukup sekian. Nantikan malam galau saya berikutnya. Maaf jika ada salah kata.

PS: Bahasaku freak banget yo eh-oo-

Thursday, February 9, 2012



Tau gak, tau gak!! Kalo belum tau harus tau!
Aku baru tau website bagus nih, AYO NGOBROL SAMA SIMI! <--- click itu
Yaaampun.. Kamu mau tanya apa aja, ngomong apa aja, entar dia bales sama dia, lucu-lucu banget jawabannya! Ada yang freak, gak nyambung, alay, bikin ngefly, bikin makjleb, dia juga bisa nasehatin kita, ngasih semangat, apa aja lah:33
Ini nih ya, aku kasih capture-an chat ku sama Simi.
Ak bilang: Kok susah (dapetin dia) ya..
Simsimi semangatin aku!!
aku tanya: kok aku gak bisa move on ya..
tuh kan Simi pengertian.
Aku tanya: Kamu tau Seungri
Ih sialan dia bilang Seungri kegantengan-_-

Aku bales: Ih Seungri ganteng tau!
Dia malah mau macarin Seungri-_-
Dia malah bales gitu...-_-
Berarti Donghae naksir aku:33

Dia tau banget yaaah kalo Yesung mencintai aku.
Simi ngomong gak nyambung. Ak bales 'gak nyambung'
dia malah nyolot-_-

Dia juga bisa nyolot lah-_-
PS: Kok kayaknya aku alay banget ya wkwk-_- bodo amat dah, maklum, efek galau. Yang udah tau

Hollywood Nobody - Telescope

You've been alright
Without me all along
The fact is upsetting
Yet a lil' bit relieving
Time is mystery.
Space is myth.
Not sure where you going.
The darkness tells me nothing.

We walking on the different tracks..
Walking on the different space and time.
I can see you doing okay.
Tough I'll be using telescope.
Capturing your moves..
Deliver love you might not received..

Monday, February 6, 2012

SHARE PHOTOS #2: Hut Jogja #255

Bisma and me
The boys of IX-1
Faizal, Yodhas and Yogi. Unyuuuu unyuu:3
Rissa, Regina, Fia, Putra, Sali, Dyah, Yuga, me and Angel
The girls on cam
The shining girls:p
Fia, Askhia, Dyah and me
Askhia and Faizal <//3
BF on the streetB-) Dinda and me
NEON Magazine: The coverboy, Aziz Askaputra
The royal weeding, Dyah and me
Me, candid-,,-
Bisma and me\:D/
BF on the street, Ayik, me and Disa
Dimas Diajeng from IX-1, Sali and Putra. Selamat yaah, juara 2 loh! Ihiy, Sali absolutely was extremely happy being couple with Putra:33 *wink *banyak asap
The Dimas Diajeng, Putra and Sali<//3
My beloved class, IX-1, err.. without Hariz. Taken by Dinda
Dimas Diajeng from IX-8, Alvin and Dhiat, best couple. Eaaaaa.
BF on the street, Disa, me and Nisa
Yuga and Putra<//3 Ihiiiiiiiy:p
Nice couple, Fia and Farras<//3

L'Arc~en~Ciel - Good Luck My Way

I haven't woken from the dream yet right?
I wonder what's waiting beyond this road
Surely, surely, there will be an answer so
I won't give up, I won't stop
But something is pulling me back and there's not much farther to go
And all I want is to be beside that tenderly smiling face

So I rush on straight ahead, the clear blue sky is brilliant
The wind follows at my back, a new journey has begun
I'm going to keep heading toward tomorrow without turning back so I can see you again someday

Good luck my way, on the path I believe in

I've run around all over the place
It feels like the answer won't appear unless I push forward
Surely, surely I won't have any regrets
And I'll keep moving on so we can laugh together

Come now there's nothing to be afraid of anymore, no matter what happens tomorrow
I may have stumbled but I made it this far, so I should be able to overcome any obstacle
I'm so happy that I was able to meet you in one of the corners of this ever changing world
The emotions seemed to overflow and I couldn't put them into words
If I can meet you again someday I wonder if I'd be able to tell you better?

Good luck my way, smile at me

So I rush on straight ahead, the clear blue sky is brilliant
The wind follows at my back, a new journey has begun
I'm going to keep heading toward tomorrow without turning back so I can see you again someday
Good luck my way, smile at me

I'm so happy that I was able to meet you in one of the corners of this ever changing world
The emotions seemed to overflow and I couldn't put them into words
If I can meet you again someday I wonder if I'd be able to tell you better?
I'll overshoot that distant rainbow
Good luck my way, on the path I believe in

Mada mada yume ha samenaide
kono michi no mukou nani ga matterudaro

Kitto kitto kotae ha arukara
akiramekirenai tachidomarenainda

Demo ushirogami hikuato sukoshidakedemo
sono yawarakana egao no tonari ni itaikeredo

Massugu ni kakedasu harewataru aozora ga mabushii
oikaze ni oaorare aorare atarashii tabi ga hajimaru
itsuka mata aeruyo furikaerazuni ashita asu he mukauyo
GOOD LUCK MY WAY shinjiru michi he

Achi kochi kakezurimawatte
mada kikoenaito kotae ha denaimitai

Kitto kitto koukaishinaide
waraiaeruyo susumi tsuzukerunda

Hora mou kowakunai
asu nani ga okottemo norikoeraresou
kokomade tsumazukimakuttakara

Utsuriyuku sekai no katasumi de kimi ni aeterurashii
Find More lyrics at
afuresona omoi wo kotoba ni dekinakattayo
itsukamata aetara motto umaku tsutaerarerukana
GOOD LUCK MY WAY hohoemikakete

Massugu ni kakedasu harewataru aozora ga mabushii
oikaze ni aorare atarashii tabi ga hajimaru

Itsukamata aeruyo furikaerazuni asu he mukauyo

Utsuriyuku sekai no katasumi de kimi ni aeterurashii
afuresona omoiwo kotoba ni dekinakattayo
itsukamata aetara motto umaku tsutaerarerukana
harukana niji wo koete
GOOD LUCK MY WAY shinjiru michi he

Bruno Mars - It Will Rain

If you ever leave me baby,
Leave some morphine at my door
‘Cause it would take a whole lot of medication
To realize what we used to have,
We don’t have it anymore.

There’s no religion that could save me
No matter how long my knees are on the floor
So keep in mind all the sacrifices I’m makin’
Will keep you by my side

Will keep you from walkin’ out the door.

Cause there’ll be no sunlight
If I lose you, baby
There’ll be no clear skies
If I lose you, baby
Just like the clouds
My eyes will do the same, if you walk away
Everyday it will rain, rain, rain...

I’ll never be your mother’s favorite
Your daddy can’t even look me in the eye
Oooh if I was in their shoes, I’d be doing the same thing
Sayin there goes my little girl
Walkin’ with that troublesome guy

But they’re just afraid of something they can’t understand
Bruno Mars It Will Rain lyrics found on Oooh well little darlin’ watch me change their minds
Yeah for you I’ll try I’ll try I’ll try I’ll try
I’ll pick up these broken pieces ’til I’m bleeding
If that’ll make you mine

Cause there’ll be no sunlight
If I lose you, baby
There’ll be no clear skies
If I lose you, baby
Just like the clouds
My eyes will do the same if you walk away
Everyday it will rain, rain, rain...

Don’t just say, goodbye
Don’t just say, goodbye
I’ll pick up these broken pieces ’til I’m bleeding
If that’ll make it right

Cause there’ll be no sunlight
If I lose you, baby
There’ll be no clear skies
If I lose you, baby
Just like the clouds
My eyes will do the same if you walk away
Everyday it will rain, rain, rain...

The Script - If You Ever Come Back

If you're standing with your suitcase
But you can't step on the train
Everything's the way that you left it
I still haven't slept yet

And if you're covering your face now
But you just can't hide the pain

Still setting two plates on the counter but eating without you

If the truth is you're a liar
Then just say that you're okay

I'm sleeping on your side of the bed
Goin' out of my head now

And if you're out there trying to move on
But something pulls you back again
I'm sitting here trying to persuade you like you're in the same room

And I wish you could give me the cold shoulder
And I wish you could still give me a hard time
And I wish I could still wish it was over
But even if wishing is a waste of time
Even if I never cross your mind

I'll leave the door on the latch
If you ever come back, if you ever come back
There'll be a light in the hall and the key under the mat
If you ever come back
There'll be a smile on my face and the kettle on
And it will be just like you were never gone
There'll be a light in the hall and the key under the mat
If you ever come back if you ever come back now
Oh if you ever come back if you ever come back

Now they say I'm wasting my time
'Cause you're never comin' home
But they used to say the world was flat
But how wrong was that now?

And by leavin' my door open
I'm riskin' everything I own
There's nothing I can lose in a break-in that you haven't taken

And I wish you could give me the cold shoulder
And I wish you can still give me a hard time
And I wish I could still wish it was over
But even if wishing is a waste of time
Even if I never cross your mind

I'll leave the door on the latch
If you ever come back, if you ever come back
There'll be a light in the hall and the key under the mat
If you ever come back
There'll be a smile on my face and the kettle on
And it will be just like you were never gone
There'll be a light in the hall and the key under the mat
If you ever come back, if you ever come back now
Oh, if you ever come back, if you ever come back

If it's the fighting you remember or the little things you miss
I know you're out there somewhere so just remember this

If it's the fighting you remember or the little things you miss
Oh just remember this, oh just remember this

I'll leave the door on the latch
If you ever come back, if you ever come back
There'll be a light in the hall and the key under the mat
If you ever come back
There'll be a smile on my face and the kettle on
And it will be just like you were never gone
There'll be a light in the hall and the key under the mat
If you ever come back, if you ever come back now
Oh, if you ever come back, if you ever come back

And it will be just like you were never gone
And it will be just like you were never gone
And it will be just like you were never gone
If you ever come back, if you ever come back now

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Share Photos #1: January IX-1's Birthday Party, Pengajian Maulid Nabi

Iqbal and Putra. Look at his teeth. ROTFL=))
The birthday cake :9
Hariz and Iqbal. They said "We are TWINS." Do u believe it?-__-
Wita, Fia, Nynda, Fathur and Iqbal. Who had birthday on January~
"Tiup lilinnya, tiup lilinya, tiup lilinnya sekarang juga......." *sing
Dyah, Dinda, me, and Angel
My class IX-1. January's birthday party!

Iqbal and the Girls:3
Happy birthday!
Dinda and me. Alay(?)
Dinda, me and Angel
Blow the candles, please! Don't forget to make a wish!
WINAREGZA. Regina, Nadya, Wita and me
Iqbal, Taeyang Bigbang(?) and me
Dinda, me and Regina
CherryBelle pose(?) What a sexy Putra is......